Presentation and development of an extracurricular activity on ecology “We are friends of nature” (2nd grade). Extracurricular event on ecology with presentation

Conference “Living Barometers” for primary school students

within the framework of the regional pedagogical project “Formation of the ecological worldview of students by studying the history of the relationship between man and nature”
Author of the scenario development: teacher of additional education Yasenetskaya Svetlana Vadimovna.
Target: familiarization with plants and animals that can be used to predict weather changes.
Educational– teach students to predict the weather by observing animals and plants.
Developmental– introduce people who study weather to the professions.
Educating- cultivate love for the world around us.
Event organization form: conference
Teaching methods: verbal, visual, playful.
Logistics support for the event: multimedia installation, presentation “Living Barometers”, collections of riddles about natural phenomena, animals and plants, illustrations on the topic.
Event plan
1. Opening speech by the teacher
2. Conference “Living Barometers”
3. Riddles about animals and plants - weather forecasters
4. Final word from the teacher

Progress of the event

1. Opening speech by the teacher
-Hello guys! Today we have gathered with you to talk about the weather. We often hear such words as “weather”, “weather forecasters”, “hydrometological center”, but often we do not understand what we are talking about. Today I and the students of the “Ecological Tourism: Pathfinders” interest association will tell you about the weather and how easy it is to predict its changes using only your observational abilities.
- Now let's try to guess the riddles.
(The answers are written on the board)

Flying across the sky -
Wings spread out
The sun was covered up. (Cloud)
Who beats on the roof all night
Yes he knocks
And he mumbles and he sings,
Lulls you to sleep? (Rain)
It's already been sweeping since morning,
Beats on the bedroom windows.
Vanya goes for a walk -
Puts on felt boots. (Snow)
He came down early in the morning,
White-white and thick.
The air was smeared with sour cream.
Guess who he is. (Fog)
Scary to go out onto the porch -
He's just fierce today.
Our river has also been frozen in ice,
And a large nearby pond.
And now I’ll ask a question -
Who stings our nose in winter? (Freezing)
The summer guest made everything hot,
The asphalt became like a stove.
"Oh, I wish it would rain sooner!" –
Our river is asking.
"I'm already tired of drying out,
Because of the guest she became smaller!" (Heat)
It's pouring from the roof like a bucket,
But it's not rain.
Go away, winter, it's time!
Looking forward to spring and summer!
The baby will answer me too -
What's pouring from the rooftops in March? (Drops)
Arrived with the winter wind
And the snowflakes spun.
Spun like a carousel
White person.
And the car barely
Visible from the snowdrift. (Blizzard, blizzard, blizzard)
Oh, it's very slippery today!
Poor Kolka slipped!
And floundered on the ice
In front of the girls.
So that no one falls off their feet,
The wipers are throwing sand. (Ice)
She throws grains of hail,
And it rumbles and thunders,
Releases sheaves of lightning,
Like dynamite in the sky. (Storm)
He's in the puddles, look
Blows bubbles.
Wants me and you
Don't forget about the umbrellas. (Rain)
It got stronger today
It started yesterday.
Very white, New Year's
Appearance at the yard. (Snowfall)
The garden is dusted in July
White pea crumble.
All peas are made of ice.
Who threw them here? (hail)
He didn't blow at all yesterday
The outbuilding even had a rest.
And now he's just a squall!
No matter how the outbuilding breaks! (Wind)
He is at any time of the year
Can predict the weather.
Should I take an umbrella or not?
Do I need to wear a hat?
All year round, winter and summer,
Listen to his advice! (Meteorologist, weather forecaster)
This is an important indicator
The thermometer is her friend.
If it's hot, it's high,
And in cold weather it is low. (Temperature)
You hang it outside -
And you will find out, heat or cold.
Thin column of alcohol
Walks in it as if alive. (Thermometer)
The device measures it,
A relative of the thermometer.
Serving people for a long time
Barometer needle.
If it is low,
The rain is knocking on the window.
If it goes up,
No one is expecting rain. (Atmosphere pressure)
- What word can combine all the words written on the board?
Guys' answers.
- Weather is a combination of air temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, and wind.
Each of us periodically faces the problem of the need for an accurate weather forecast. Guys, tell me how we find out what the weather will be like?
Guys' answers.

We usually listen to the weather forecast. Weather forecasting interests all people. And in our time, when the majority of the population lives in cities, people’s dependence on the weather is only increasing. Even a slight change in the weather affects the well-being of many people.
The first predictors of weather changes were healers, shamans, sorcerers and priests - talented and observant people.
The philosopher Aristotle is considered to be the founder of scientific forecasting. The invention of the barometer in the 17th century gave new impetus to more accurate scientific studies of future weather.
Professional weather “predictors” are specialists, researchers of atmospheric phenomena, and university graduates with a specialization in “Meteorology”. Specialists who forecast weather are called meteorologists and weather forecasters.

What is the difference between a meteorologist and a weather forecaster? The fact is that within the meteorological specialty there are many specializations: synoptic, aerological, marine meteorology, aviation, satellite, meteorological instrumentation, etc. In essence, a weather forecaster is a meteorologist who analyzes the data received and makes weather forecasts.
By observing animals and plants, you can also make a fairly reliable weather forecast.
In ancient times, people learned about weather changes by certain behavior of plants and animals, the sun, stars, clouds, wind direction, etc.
Guys, tell me, what are scientists who study animals and plants called?
Guys' answers.
Right. Zoologists study animals, and botanists study plants.

Did you know that about 400 plants and 600 animals predict the weather? Plants and animals in the process of development have developed many adaptations, including those that can serve as signals about an upcoming change in the weather. Many people today use observations to find out what the weather will be like.
For example:
Before the rain, the flowers of a white water lily close.
Grasshoppers are chirping loudly - the weather will be good in the next 24 hours.
2. Conference “Living Barometers”
Today we will get acquainted with some plants and animals and find out how they can predict the weather.
Students of the interest association “Ecological Tourism: Pathfinders” will act as scientists.
Olga Gubchik - Forecaster
Sumar Angelina – Meteorologist
Gritskevich Daria – Zoologist
Polina Kleshchukevich – Botanist
The weather forecaster gives the floor.
2.1 Forecaster's speech
Hello! I have been observing animals for a very long time, especially their reactions to weather changes. And today I will share with you my observations.
Look, it's a hive.
An illustration of a beehive is shown.

It is home to hardworking bees. Bees are reliable weather predictors. In the morning, before the rain, they do not fly out of the hives, they buzz loudly, even if the sun is shining. And if they go early for prey and return early in the evening, then it will be a good day.
An illustration of a wren butterfly is shown.

Do you recognize this insect? This is a hives butterfly. She predicts rain very accurately. In the afternoon before the rain, the butterfly begins to prepare for the night - it attaches itself to the ceiling of the barn, with its wings hanging down.
Have you ever watched ants?
Student answers
Illustration of an anthill on display

-Ants hide before rain or a thunderstorm and close the entrances to the anthill: after all, if water gets into it, the ants will die.
Guys, who weaves thin lace in the forest?
Student response:
An image of spiders and cobwebs is shown.

-It turns out that spiders are also weather forecasters, especially the cross spider and the house spider. If spiders appear in the early morning, it means bad weather is approaching: they are afraid of dampness, but before bad weather there is no dew. On a hot afternoon, fearing the heat, spiders prefer to “sit at home.” If the spider appeared in the heat, it means that it is stocking up on food, therefore, a thunderstorm can be safely predicted. Observing the behavior of the spider, the following folk signs developed:
The spider intensively weaves webs - to dry weather.
The spider hid in a corner - towards the wind.
-Fishermen predict the weather by watching the fish bite. It turns out that during a drought before rain, fish in reservoirs stop biting.
Do you know who this is?
Illustration of leeches demonstrates

Guys' answers.
-Leeches have long been used in medicine, relieving people's suffering and helping to reduce blood pressure. Leeches can also predict the weather. They are placed in a glass jar filled with water, with sand at the bottom. In clear weather, leeches lie calmly at the bottom, before rain they stay near the walls of the jar, slightly sticking out of the water, and the restless and fast swimming of leeches is foreshadowed by a strong wind. Leeches behave especially anxiously before a thunderstorm.
-And now a zoologist – a person who studies animals – will share his observations.
3.2. Speech by a zoologist
-Our pets - cats and dogs - are also excellent weather forecasters. Have you ever watched your domestic cat?
Guys' answers.
-The cat warns its owners about the bitter frost: it seems to begin to freeze in advance - it will climb somewhere higher, curl up, cover its muzzle with its paw, and hug itself with its tail.

Folk signs:
The cat is sleeping soundly - to warmth and heat.
While sleeping, covers its muzzle with its paw - to the cold.
Curls up into a ball - to frost, and the stronger the frost, the more it curls up.
Licks a paw, washes itself - warming up.
Sharpening his claws on the table leg - the weather will change.
He rushes here and there like mad, and finds no place for himself - towards thunderstorms and lightning.
Dogs can also predict the weather.

Hunters, foresters, villagers and nature lovers in general noticed that:
If on a winter night the stars are surrounded by fog, and the dog is tumbling in the snow, there will be a blizzard. And often quite long.
The dog curls up and lies in a ball - to the cold.
It stretches out on the ground and lies or sleeps with its paws outstretched, belly up - towards the warmth.
In summer, the dog sways on the ground, sleeps a lot and eats little - it means rain.
If a dog climbs onto a soft chair or sofa in winter, hides its nose between its paws, curls up and takes a nap, expect a cold snap soon.
There are also cases where pets saved their owners from natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods.
A case from Russia - a mongrel saved several families who fed it from an earthquake. She howled so heart-rendingly under the doors of houses that people were forced to leave, and at that time the walls collapsed.
1944 Italy. The last eruption of Vesuvius occurred 80 years ago, and no one is afraid of an extinct volcano. Two old men were sleeping peacefully in their house, and only their cat Toto could not calm down. He didn't eat and didn't want to stay in the house. At night he began to scratch his owner's face. The wife persuaded her husband to leave home, perceiving the cat’s behavior as a sign of fate. In the end, he agreed. The old men loaded the most necessary things onto the cart, took the cat and went to their wife’s sister, who lived in a place inaccessible to the lava. An hour later, Vesuvius exploded and their house was swept away by a lava flow.
-The floor is given to the botanist.
Botanist speech
-And I have been observing plants for a long time and I can say with confidence that they, too, can predict the weather.
Guess the riddle: what plant are we talking about?
Burnt in the dewy grass
Golden flashlight,
Then it faded, went out
And turned into fluff.
He's wearing a down scarf,
Always ready to fly. (Dandelion)

Guys' answers.
Now listen to the story
Fairy tale by A. Lopatin “The Responsive Dandelion.”
The sun woke up in the morning, looked at the meadow and sparkled: “Hello, flowers!” The flowers raised their heads towards the light, and the dandelion bud loudly shouted in response:
- Hello, beautiful sunshine!
“Thank you for your kind words,” the sun replied and threw a sheaf of golden rays to the bud.
A sheaf of dandelions turned into a little sun.
Then an old woman came to the meadow and picked a whole basket of dandelion leaves.
“You poor thing, all your leaves were torn off,” the flowers took pity on him.
“I’m glad to help grandma,” the dandelion laughed. “She will soak my leaves in salt water to remove the bitterness from them, and she will make a healing salad.”
“How will you live without leaves?” asked the flowers.
“My thick and long root hides so much nutritional power that new leaves will grow very quickly,” the dandelion calmly answered.
A girl ran to the meadow, sat down in the grass next to a dandelion and began to cry.
“Don’t cry, please,” asked the dandelion. - Your tears are like rain. I am friends with the sun, but I immediately cover my heads from the rain.
“The boys called me freckled because of my freckles,” the girl sobbed.
“They are stupid, they don’t understand that freckles are gifts from the sun,” the dandelion laughed. “Pluck my flowers and weave them into a golden wreath.”
The girl calmed down and wove a wreath of golden dandelions. The boys, when they saw her with a golden crown on her head, opened their mouths in surprise and forgot about all the teasing.
“Don’t you feel sorry for your golden heads?” the flowers were surprised.
“Don’t worry, others will grow,” said the dandelion.
Soon the dandelion grew new flowers, and every day it treated the bees with its delicious pollen. By mid-summer, the dandelion heads turned into white fluffy balls. See, you've spent all your golden color! - the flowers said to the dandelion.
Dandelion did not answer anything, because at that moment he was looking at the kitten in the grass. The kid ran after the butterfly and got lost. Dandelion took pity on the kitten and asked:
- Breeze, blow on my fluffs so that they fly in the direction where the kitten lives.
The breeze blew and fluff flew. The kitten rushed after them and soon saw its home. “This dandelion is frivolous: it has lost all its heads,” the flowers noted.
“He’s not frivolous, but responsive,” explained a cloud floating by. - And he did not lose the head, but scattered the seeds so that there would be more of the good golden color on the earth.
-Guys, how do dandelions react to rain?
Student response:
-The mallow droops before the rain, the violet bends its stem, the clover bends and drops its leaves. Acacia and honeysuckle intensely secrete nectar 15-20 hours before rain.

And there are plants that “cry” before the rain - they release excess moisture. Such plants include maple, which predicts severe bad weather three to four days in advance. Oats and wheat “shed tears” in good weather.

-A word from the meteorologist.
Meteorologist's speech
-What plant are we talking about?
A slide is shown depicting various flowers, from which students must choose a plant that matches the description.

You can meet it in wastelands and meadows, along river banks, among bushes, near fences. The plant is covered with coarse hairs, its stem is hard, like a bush, the flowers look like a flock of blue moths that have sat down to rest in a green bush.
Student answers
This is chicory. Its flowers open early in the morning, and in the afternoon the petals close and by 3 p.m. they are completely closed. Chicory is a medicinal plant, and powder from its rhizomes is added to coffee drinks.
One cannot help but admire the beauty of the white water lily. People mistakenly call it a lily. Everything about it is beautiful - round, saucer-like leaves and snow-white flowers. This plant has become rare and is listed in the Red Book, so it cannot be picked. Without water it quickly fades.

The white water lily flower is a kind of weather station. In the spring, a white water lily blooms a green leaf on the surface of the water - the frost has come to an end. Flowers open at about 7-8 hours and close at 17-18 hours - in clear weather.
It happens that the lily is late in reaching the surface. It's just past nine, and she barely rises above the water. This means it will rain in the afternoon. And if you haven’t risen from the water at all, it’s better to return home: there will be a prolonged downpour or a cold snap will set in.
The flowers gather their white petals together, half-closed or completely closed in the middle of the day - rain is near. The flowers close, go under the water and are not visible on the surface of the reservoir - a sign of bad weather. Flowers do not appear from the water - this means bad weather with prolonged rains.
Based on the leaves of this plant, you can make a long-term forecast: if they thickly cover the surface of the water in the spring, there will be no more frosts.
3. Game “Animals and plants - living barometers”
-Guys, now I propose to get acquainted with other living barometers. I will ask you riddles, and you will raise your hands and say the answer.

1. A house grew up in a field,
The house is full of grain,
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On a golden trunk.
In cloudy weather, the spikelets droop.
2. There is an oak tree, full of cereals,
Covered with a patch.
Poppy flowers close up before the rain
3. Although I'm not a hammer -
I'm knocking on wood:
Every corner of it
I want to explore.
I wear a red hat
And the acrobat is wonderful.
If a woodpecker takes a fancy to a wooden fence, the summer will be rich in worms.
4. Little boy
In a gray army jacket
Snooping around the yards
Collects crumbs.
If you hear the chatter of a flock of sparrows, the chirping of sparrows in the trees, then this is a sure sign of prolonged good weather.
5. Flies - howls,
He sits down and digs the ground.
You won't see beetles in pre-storm weather. They hide, waiting out bad weather in secluded corners.
6. Not a beast, not a bird -
Nose like a knitting needle.
It flies and squeaks,
He sits down and is silent.
Who will kill him?
He will shed his blood.
If mosquitoes greatly bother a person or hover in swarms over domestic animals, then the likelihood of rain is quite high.
7. Front awl
Behind the wheel,
Below is a towel.
Swallows fly low before the rain.
8. What they dug from the ground,
Fried, boiled?
What we baked in the ashes
Did they praise you?
Before the onset of inclement weather, potato stalks bend and the flowers droop.
9. In rich clothes,
And he himself is somewhat blind,
Lives without a window
He doesn't see the sun.
The mole makes a high heap or exit from the ground - to rain.
10. This bird is familiar to everyone -
It is important to walk near the house
Kar-Kar-Kar suddenly screams,
And it will fly away calmly.
A very cunning person
And her name is (Crow)
Crows play in the air in clear weather.

5. Final word from the teacher.
-Guys, today you learned a lot about living barometers. Of course, we do not encourage you to have a spider, chicken or cow as a home weather forecaster, but we suggest being closer to nature and learning to recognize its clues. So, when getting ready for school in the morning, pay attention to the behavior of your cat or dog, and while running down the street, take a look at the birds and inhale the aroma of flowers.
And now the game. I will pronounce a phrase, if you agree with me, you should say in unison, “We don’t argue!”, and if you don’t agree, “We argue, we argue!”
It rains in autumn. (We don't argue!)
Winter is ahead of us. (We don't argue!)
White lily of the valley blooms. (We bet, we bet!)
The apples in the garden are ripe. (We bet, we bet!)
In the grove the nightingales began to sing. (We bet, we bet!)
The days are getting longer. (We bet, we bet!)
It will be colder soon. (We don't argue!)
The puddles began to freeze. (We don't argue!)
The birds began to fly away. (We don't argue!)
It's very difficult for us without sweets. (We don't argue!)
Autumn is coming, by the way. (We bet, we bet!)
I'll deceive you now. (We bet, we bet!)
See you again!

Ecological lesson: “We are friends of nature!”

Purpose of the lesson: give an idea of ​​the complete relationship between man and nature; about responsibility for the natural world around us; show children that man is a worker in the kingdom of nature; teach children to follow the laws of nature; cultivate a sense of awareness of one’s unity with the surrounding world; develop activity, independence, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of students.

Progress of the lesson:

1st presenter. Hello children, hello guests! We are happy to see you! Today's holiday is dedicated to nature. Nature is the true wealth of humanity, it must be protected!

The song of the group “Earthlings” is playing - “Sorry, Earth”, there is a slide show about nature and ecology (slides No. 1 - 17)

Reader. Our planet Earth

Very generous and rich.

Mountains, forests and fields -

Our dear home, guys.

2nd presenter. You and I live on one big planet, earth, and we need to learn to take care of it, to live in peace and harmony.

What proverbs about the earth do you know?

Without an owner, the earth is an orphan.

There is no bad land, there are bad owners.

The earth loves care.

Respect the earth - it gives a harvest.

There is no land more beautiful than our country.

1st presenter. ( slide show) There are many different miracles on our Earth: and highmountains( slide No. 18), and bluerivers ( sl. No. 19), Andicy seas ( sl. No. 20), Andhot deserts ( sl. No. 21) . But perhaps the biggest miracleThis forest . ( sl. No. 22)

1 Reader : A wonderful creation of nature - the forest! Very few things can compare with its beauty. Our forests are beautiful, majestic and distinctive at any time of the year.

Slide show of the Russian forest by seasons

Reader 2: The Russian forest is the first thawed patches and the first fog. (slide No. 23)

Reader 3: The Russian forest is the cry of rooks and the singing of a nightingale.(sl. No. 24)

Reader 4: Russian forest is the honey smell of grass and flowers.(sl. No. 25)

Reader 4: The Russian forest is the farewell cry of the cranes in the fall.(sl. No. 26)

Reader 5: The Russian forest is a lace of frost on the trees and the quiet voice of a tit.(sl. No. 27)

(against the background of slide No. 28 and birds singing, children read poetry)

Hello forest!
Dense forest!
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about in the leaves?
On a dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering at dawn?
All covered in dew, like silver.

Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, don’t hide it
You see, we are our own!

The forest is not just for our amusement,
He is the wealth of the country.
All the trees, berries, herbs in it
For our benefit, friends, nurtured.

In the forest, where there is so much botany
Friends, collect from the clearing
Cigarette butts, leaky teapots
Empty tin cans.

I want to bend over the flowers
Not for tearing or cutting.
And to see their kind faces
And show them a kind face.

Animal holes, bird nests
We will never ruin!
Let the chicks and small animals
It's good to live next to us.

People! Take a look around.
How nature is truly beautiful.
She needs the care of your hands
So that her beauty does not fade!

2nd presenter. Let's take a trip through the forest. Extraordinary things await us

adventures and unexpected encounters. And we will take with us a good, cheerful song. (slide No. 29)

(Children sing the song “It’s fun to walk together”, music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky)

Reader. We are walking along a forest path,

We look around -

Smells like herbs and pine needles,

Squirrels wander along the trunks.

Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles! (Sl. No. 30) (Sl. No. 31)

1st presenter asks riddles.

- The fairytale forest has prepared riddles for you. Let's guess them:

    Which tree is the symbol of Russia? (birch).

    What is the name of a bird's nose? (beak).

    What herb does even the blind know? (nettle).

    Who runs with their hind legs forward? (hare).

    Who has ears on their feet? (at the grasshopper).

    What does elk lose every winter? (horns).

    Who can drink with their feet? (frog).

    The more rings, the older the tenant (tree).

    Small, light, but you can’t catch it by the tail (lizard).

    Who sleeps upside down? (bat).

Reader. Nature has vibrant colors,

Let her live without fear,

Let the animals and birds live,

Let no one be afraid of man!

A noise is heard, a Hooligan runs into the hall with a tape recorder.

Hooligan. Bom-bom-bom! The pogrom begins.

We go out into nature,

I like my fighting character,

My temperament is cheerful and fiery.

And I came here to relieve boredom,

I came to have fun and play.

2nd presenter. Yes, it’s obvious that you were poorly brought up if you don’t know how to behave in the forest!

Hooligan. Hey, you little boogers, why do you go into the forest?

Reader. Breathe fresh air, admire nature, improve your health, improve your mood.

Hooligan. Now I’ll catch a couple more birds and put them in a cage. There will be a cheerful mood! I also like to shoot with a slingshot.

Yesterday I shot funny birds with a slingshot.

I took aim furtively at goldfinches, starlings, and tits.

And the birds became sad, did not chirp,

And they all decided not to come here!

Great, right?

Reader. Trees, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet!

1st presenter. Birds must not be offended. They bring benefits to people.

Hooligan. Just think! Well, don't stop me from having fun! I worked so hard today that I’m even tired.

1st presenter. And what did you do that was so useful?

Hooligan. - Broke the birch tree.

The ants were dispersed, the anthill was destroyed

Rare flowers from the Red Book, picked a whole armful

I muddied the waters and scattered the fish

Scared the people in the swamp

Chased the little frog with a stick

He threw all sorts of rubbish into the river

(turns on the tape recorder and starts dancing)

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. Uh-uh-uh, look, the radio has turned up! You can't play the tape recorder so loud! Now you’re not jumping around like that, you ill-mannered child prodigy. Let me show you my hocus pocus paradoxus. I will bewitch the damned. Even though we live in the forest, we know the rules of decency, we have our own culture!

Fir trees, dense forest,

Turn into a forest stump!

(The bully freezes in place)

Hooligan. I do not want and I will not! Let me go, you uncouth grandma! I'll complain to my ancestors, they'll give you a light!

Baba Yaga. They won’t, my dear! And you will stand like a stump until you learn that everything in the forest must be preserved and protected.

Hooligan. (crying) A-a-a! Help!

1st presenter. You offended nature very much, and Baba Yaga is a forest dweller, so she was offended by you.

Baba Yaga. How many people like him cause trouble to the Earth? Trees are being broken. Anthills are being destroyed... If everyone destroys, tears, breaks, then there will be no life on Earth. And we won't be there. And you won't be there.

Hooligan. (crying) I won't be there! A-a-a! What should I do now?

Baba Yaga. Do good deeds. The earth must be protected and loved. It is necessary to create a schedule of good deeds. Do you agree with me? (children's answers)

2nd presenter. If only you want

You help nature,

Betterrules teach

So as not to forget them!

Hooligan. What are the rules?

Children take turns telling the rules:

1.Children must remember

And understand:

Birds' nests

You can't ruin it! (sl. No. 32)

2. Ants are forest orderlies;

It’s not for nothing that people called them that

Just don’t bother them, my friend!

Don't destroy anthills!

These paramedics are so needed

For the forests of your native country!(sl. No. 33)

3. For hedgehogs and squirrels

The forest is our home.

They live there boldly

Both summer and winter:

So it's not worth it

Take them to the city...

Believe me: they are in captivity

They won’t eat or sleep... (sl. No. 34)

4. Moths fly in the forest,

Boogers and beetles are crawling...

Mother nature gave them life.

They all have their own things to do.

You will see them on the way -

Don't offend me, just move away!

A forest without insects, my friend,

And lonely and empty... (sl. No. 35)

5. Flowers decorate meadows and forests

But this is not only natural beauty -

In them bees find a healing gift,

And butterflies drink sweet nectar from them.

There’s no need, friends, there’s no point in tearing them apart,

No need to make bouquets of them...

Bouquets will wither... Flowers will die...

And there will be no such beauty again! (sl. No. 36)


Colored butterfly

It flutters above you...

The dragonfly frolics

Dancing, having fun...

Everyone is so excited about summer!

There is no need to catch them...

Let them fly

The earth is decorated... (sl. No. 37)

7. So many sounds here and there!

There is no need for noise and din in the forest:

You can't make noise, shout or scream

And turn on the music loudly! (Withl. No. 38)

8. It's dangerous to have fun with fire without adults!

The fun could end horribly!

Sometimes the forest is very dry,

The fire will turn into a serious disaster!

Imagine that the flame will flare up easily,

It will begin to blaze, scatter, sparkle -

It is impossible to put it out then...

Forest fires are a big problem! (sl. No. 39)

9. You guys have come for a hike...

Of course, you need to rest:

Play and frolic

And eat and drink...

But there are banks around

Cellophane, pieces of iron, bottles...

You can't leave them here!

Let's not be lazy, friends:

The garbage here in the forest is alien,

Let's take him with us!(sl. No. 40)

10. You can't throw glass in the forest,

You can't break bottles;

Sharp fragments are dangerous -

You'll cut yourself terribly on them!

And if suddenly it falls on them -

You could end up in a hospital!

And the inhabitants of the forest

Glasses are also not needed... (sl. No. 41)


The trees are giants

Hooligans don't spare them

And cut with sharp knives

The words on the tree are “as a keepsake!”

But it’s such a cruel thing to do!

You can't harm trees.

Let them grow in the forest -

They bring goodness and beauty... (sl. No. 42)

12 . Since you're going mushroom hunting -

Take a sharp knife with you;

Use them to carefully cut off the mushroom -

Leave the mycelium in the ground.

And if you meet strawberries,

Lingonberry or blueberry bush –

Gently pick the berries,

And leave the bush, take care. (sl. No. 43 – 44)

Reader. Let's be friends with each other

Like a bird with the sky, like a field with a plow.

Like the wind with the sea, grass with the rains,

How the sun is friends with all of us!

Hooligan. I won’t forget the smart rules,

I will respect nature.

Just break the spell on me!

Baba Yaga. If you tell me what benefits forests bring to people, then...I’ll look again. Maybe I’ll break the spell.

Hooligan. Don't know. (crying)

1st presenter. Guys, let's help Hooligan answer Baba Yaga's question.

The children take turns telling stories. (slideshow of these animals)

(sl. No. 45)Woodpecker - forest orderly. Its tongue is jagged and sticky. When he makes a hole with his beak, he sticks out his tongue, and the insect sticks to it.

(sl. No. 46)Owl – destroys about 1000 rodents per year. If we consider that each mouse eats 1 kg of grain per year, then one owl saves a ton of bread per year.

(sl. No. 47)Cuckoo – eats 100 caterpillars in an hour; if a large number of insect pests appear in the forest, it deals with them within a few days.

(sl. No. 48)The bats – clear the area of ​​malaria mosquitoes. In an hour of hunting at night, a bat can catch and eat 170 mosquitoes.

(sl. No. 49)Martin – catches up to a million mosquitoes, midges, and aphids over the summer.

(sl. No. 50)Toad – destroys not only harmful insects, but also slugs, and these are the most dangerous enemies of gardens and vegetable gardens.

Baba Yaga. He praises the children and casts a spell on the Hooligan.

Hooligan. My dear, beloved, closest and attentive friends! I am eternally grateful to you for the help you gave me. I promise never to play pranks, be rude or offend others again. I promise to take care of trees, flowers, animals, birds - in short, all of nature.(sl. No. 51)

Baba Yaga. Well, you just can’t recognize this Hooligan! Look how the spell worked! Why do you think I care so much about the forest?(sl. No. 52)

Because the forest is my home

Forest - wealth and beauty,

Take care of your forests!

On one big planet

You and I will live together.

Let us, adults and children,

Treasure your friendship with the forest!

Game with the audience:

Leading : And at the end of our holiday I offer you a game. In front of you in the picture is a tree. There is not a single leaf on it. A terrible picture. I wouldn't want us to have a forest like this. But we can change everything. Think and tell me, what good deeds can be done to make the forest and nature come to life? (Each correct answer is attached to the tree with a green piece of paper.)

All children sing the song “Sunny Circle”

May there always be rivers
May there always be fish
May there always be a sea
And in the desert there is a camel!

May there always be groves
May there always be birds
May there always be animals
And there are flowers at home!

May there always be people
May there always be children
May you always be in clear skies
The sun will shine!

Vostrikova Svetlana Gennadievna,

teacher of biology and chemistry, secondary school No. 38 JSC Russian Railways, Michurinsk

Extracurricular activity on ecology:


(game - quiz)

Target audience: 5-6 grades, 11-12 years old.

Annotation. Developmentcognitive interest in one’s subject is one of the main tasks facing a teacher. This interest can be aroused by using a huge variety of activities in class and extracurricular activities. Game tasks always arouse the interest of students. Therefore, the extracurricular activity I developed takes the form of a quiz game. 2 teams are formed that perform tasks individually or as a whole team. The whole class is involved, and tasks are provided for fans. The quiz consists of competitions: 1 competition – “Guessing” (questions from zoology, botany, nature conservation are presented); 2nd competition – “Overtaking” (participants solve riddles about plants, animals, natural phenomena); 3 competition - “Concept Competition” (team members explain to each other concepts related to ecology, without naming cognate words); 4th competition – “Explainers” (signs are presented that teams explain using their knowledge from biological disciplines); 5th competition - “Nature and Fantasy” (present projects on the useful use of plastic bottles and plastic bags, can be given as homework in advance); 6th competition – “Charades” (solving charades); 7th competition – “Help Nature” (drawing up an appeal to humanity “Help Nature”). The event is aimed at developing skills and abilities to apply knowledge when performing various tasks, analyze, compare, summarize data, and think creatively. During the game, students work both in groups and individually. Equal interaction between all participants is assumed. The event helps students develop universal ways of working and key competencies.


Generalization and deepening of biological and environmental knowledge acquired at previous stages of training.

Development of creative abilities of schoolchildren.

Fostering an environmental culture among schoolchildren.


Educational: during the game, identify students’ knowledge and expand students’ horizons in the field of biology, ecology and environmental protection.

Educational: continue to work on developing the skills to express one’s opinion, compare, analyze, and draw conclusions; skills to work in a group; develop communication skills, help increase students’ cognitive interest in environmental issues.

Educational: promote the formation of love and respect for nature.

Equipment: cards (at least four) for the “Overtaking” competition, cards with

assignments for the “Concepts” competition, cards for the “Charade” competition, certificates, a protocol sheet for the jury.

Progress of the event.

Hello guys! Today we will touch on a very important topic: Earth! This is the name of our planet - the beautiful Motherland of humanity. Our common home. We love our land, but the worst thing is that while loving, we have never learned to have a reasonable attitude towards its riches. And today the earth, which has fed us without fail for millions of years and given us its riches, is sending distress signals. They are addressed to each of us.

Schoolchildren can also contribute to environmental protection. But this requires certain environmental knowledge. And in this regard, I offer you a quiz game “Through the Mouth of Nature”.

I ask the participants of the competition - 2 teams of 10 people each - to take the gaming tables. Before we start the competition, I want to introduce you to the jury.

(Jury Presentation).

So, let's begin!

1 competition - “Guessing games”.

Each team is asked questions in order. 15 seconds to think about the question. Answers are given in 2 attempts. (1 attempt - 50 points, 2 attempt - 25 points).

Questions for the competition. ,

    Every summer a fish dinner flies out of the water. What kind of lunch is this?

(Mosquitoes: jerk, long-legged, malarial).

    How to distinguish a male from a female in budgies?

(According to the wax: in the male it is blue, in the female - yellow).

    What is a reserve?

(Lab in the wild - pristine, reserved nature).

    What is the difference between a nature reserve and a nature reserve?

(The territory of the reserve is temporarily reserved for the duration of some experiment).

    What is the importance of insects?

(Promote pollination of plants; serve as food for animals; loosen the soil, promote the accumulation of water and air in the soil; are carriers of diseases).

    What is the significance of ants in the forest?

(Ants - predators, they regulate the number of herbivorous insects in the forest,

that is, they eliminate outbreaks of mass reproduction of forest pests; ants very often save the forest from fire).

    You rubbed your foot along the way. How to relieve pain?

(Attach a plantain leaf).

    What grass do cats like? What diseases does it help with?

(Valerian. Valerian drops are used for nervous disorders and insomnia).

    Guess the bird . “Oh, people don’t like me. You see, they don’t like my voice, and they say my eyes are ugly. They think I bring trouble. Is this so? If it weren’t for me, some would have to sit without bread.”

(Owl. The owl has been under state protection since 1964. One owl destroys 1000 mice over the summer, which are capable of destroying 1 ton of grain).

    Guess the animal . “I myself know that I’m not a beauty._And if I were nearby, many would shy away to the side, or they would even throw a stone or kick me. For what? I am of great benefit."

(This is a toad. One toad saves an entire garden from caterpillars and worms).

    Find out the plant (read the description of the plant).

Garlands of small white bells hang between the spiky leaves in spring.

(Lily of the valley)

    Find out the plant (read the description of the plant).

The entire clearing is covered with blue, blue, and pink flowers. Everyone bowed their heads slightly, and it seemed like a breeze was about to pass and a quiet silver chime would be heard over the clearing.


    What benefits do tits bring?

(They eat beetles and larvae).

    The leaves of which plants (trees) turn red in autumn?

( Rowan, aspen, maple).

    When and how do spiders fly?

(On autumn days, the wind blows away cobwebs with young spiders).

    How do ants prepare for winter?

(They close the entrances to the anthill and huddle together).

2 competition - "Overtaking"

Riddles about nature are asked. The answer is accepted from those players who are the first to pick up the card. If the answer is incorrect, the right to answer is transferred to the next group of players. (I attempt - 50 points, II attempt - 25 points).

List of riddles.

    White, fragrant ones grow in the forest,

They bloom early in spring.

    Rye is earing in the field,

There you will find a flower in the rye,

Although it is not red, but blue,

It still looks like a star!


    You will find these berries in a large forest swamp, as if there were red peas scattered there.


    They often ask me, wait for me,

And as soon as I appear, everyone will start hiding.


    Yellow, not a turnip, round, but not the sun,

With seeds, but not sunflower.


    Here are the needles and pins crawling out from under the bench, They are looking at me, they want milk.


    The gray-haired grandfather at the gate covered everyone's eyes.


    Walking in the field, but not a horse,

Flying free, but not a bird


    I have neither fire nor heat, but I burn everything.


    It's not fire, it burns


    It dies in the spring and comes back to life in the fall.


    It lies on the ground, cannot be painted over, scraped off or covered up.


    Not the sea, not the land, ships don’t float, but you can’t walk.


    Hangs like a silver fringe on the branches in winter,

And in the spring it turns into dew when suspended.


    It runs in the summer and stands still in the winter.


    Not alive, but speaks all languages.


And now the jury will announce the number of points after 2 competitions.

(The jury announces the number of points)

Competition 3 - “Concept Competition”

2 participants from each team are called. Alternately, two participants from each team need to explain to each other the following concepts that are related to ecology, nature conservation, or nature itself. You cannot name words with the same root.

For each correct answer - 30 points. For each word you are given 1 minute to guess it.

    team: Red Book, forester, predator, river, noise, fire.

    team: reserve, poacher, nest, forest, garbage, birdhouse.

(The jury monitors the correct execution of the competition. The results of the competition are announced)

4 competition - "Explainers"

Nature is rich in weather surprises, but it often gives clues by which these surprises can be predicted in advance. The Russian people have long noticed and used these signs. Now you have to remember and explain what this or that sign promises.

One by one, I will tell each team the beginning of the sign, and you will have to explain it.

For example,

Clouds are low - expect cold

Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.

For each correct answer on the first attempt - 15 points, on the second attempt - 10 points.

If the answer is incorrect, the right to answer is transferred to another team, but only one


P signs.

1.Thunder in September - (for warm autumn)

    A lot of rowan - ………………………………… (for rainy autumn)

    There are a lot of acorns on the oak tree in September - (for a fierce winter)

    In autumn, the fur of hares will turn white -……………………………………(winter will come soon)

    The stars are bright - (for good weather)

    The clouds are low -………………………………………………………..(expect cold)

    Cloudy cold weather clears up by night - (there will be frost)

    If January is cold -…………………………………….(July will be dry and hot)

    In January there are many frequent and long icicles hanging -……………. (the harvest will be good)

    Many insects fly towards the fire -…………………………………………….(towards the rain)

    If there are a lot of ants around the anthill -…………………………..(for good weather)

    Frequent fogs promise -…………………………………………….(mushroom harvest)

    Fishes jump out of the water - …………………………………………….(before the rain)

    The pigeons cooed -…………………………………….(the weather will be good)

    Flowers smell stronger - (rain is coming)

    The strong crackling of grasshoppers in July portends - (dry weather)

    Swifts and swallows fly low - (for rain)

    Chickens finger their wings with their beaks - (for rain)

(The jury announces the number of points after the fourth competition. Overall result.)

5th competition - “Nature and Fantasy”

Guys, we all love to relax among nature. But do we always leave our vacation spot in the same form as it was before we arrived? People who leave garbage behind are acting dishonestly. They do not think about the fact that they are destroying the beauty of nature and causing harm to it.

What do you do with the trash you collect on your walks? With cans, bottles, bags, paper? Many people, walking along the street or park, do not hesitate to throw away plastic bags, plastic bottles, chocolate wrappers, and chips, although there are only a few steps left to the trash bin. All these abandoned things do not decompose for several years, for example, paper will last more than 2 years, tin cans - more than 30 years, plastic bags - more than 200 years. Yes, guys, our nature is patient, it forgives a person a lot, but it also calls for our help, asks for protection. This will be the task of the next competition.

Each team needs to come up with a device, device, model of clothing made from plastic bottles and plastic bags, or simply find an interesting use for them. It is necessary to depict what you have come up with on a piece of paper and explain how these devices and models work.

Competition time is 5 minutes. The highest score is 20 points. The jury evaluates the humorousness, usefulness and importance of the model.

While the participants are completing the task, spectators can bring additional points to the teams by answering questions. For each correct answer - 2 points.

Questions for fans

    What is "sulfur rain"?

(When conifers bloom abundantly, the wind often blows pollen into populated areas, and if it rains, it will be yellow. People mistake this phenomenon for “sulfur rain”).

    A gas that is part of the atmosphere that protects the Earth from ultraviolet solar radiation. (Ozone)

    The fruits of which berry bush are called “northern grapes”?

(Gooseberry fruit)

4.Which animals have kindergartens? (Penguins, fur seals)

    Why is birch called the “pioneer” among trees?

(Birch is the first to develop open spaces)

    Excerpt from the story: Entering the forest, the Woodcutter and the Lion noticed that the trees in the forest were not at all similar to those found at the edge. What is the difference between the crowns of trees growing in a forest and in a clearing? What is this connected with?

( Trees growing in clearings and forest edges have a spreading crown with branches extending from the lower part of the trunk. Trees in the forest have branches that start at a high altitude from the ground; the crown is not spreading due to neighboring trees blocking the sunlight).

    What is the greenhouse effect?

(Due to the connection of the atmosphere, the content of carbon dioxide, etc., increases in the air, which prevents the transfer of heat from the Earth to Space. This entails an increase in the average temperature of the planet.)

8. Which bird has the longest tongue? (U woodpecker - up to 15 cm)

    What bird bears the name of a famous Russian writer? (Gogol )

    What is the favorite delicacy of storks? (Frogs)

So, the competition time has come to an end. I ask the teams to come out and present their devices and projects one by one.

(Teams present their projects. The jury evaluates)

6th competition - “Charades”

There are a lot of riddles, puzzles, and charades in nature. Now you and I will solve the charades. The theme of these charades will be environmental pollution.

Each team chooses a card. Participants must solve the charade. Time for this competition is 2 minutes. The number of points for a correct answer is 10 points. For speed of execution plus 2 points.

    charade. The word consists of 6 letters If the sound that a crow makes, replace the initial letter with the letter “b” and add a word meaning tree branch. As a result, we get an animal protected in the Tambov region.

(Bar - bitches)

    charade. The word consists of 5 letters. The first part is an exclamation in the shape of a steering wheel. If

for a word meaning what is left of a tree after it is cut down, the initial letter is replaced with the letter “l” - this will be the second part. And together - this is an animal of the Tambov region that needs protection.

(ABOUT - laziness)

Private traders solve the mysteries of nature. And I offer the audience a little game. You need to create the longest word from a certain sequence of letters. This is a phenomenon that can be observed in nature in autumn. ( Leaf fall)

Sequence of letters: OTSLDAPI

The time allotted to the teams is over, I ask you to name the answers.

(The jury announces the result of the competition and the overall result)

7 competition - "Help nature"

I would like to start the next competition with an excerpt from a poem:

My young friend! Open your eyes and ears

Do you hear the groan: Save our souls!

This is how animals address us, this is how plants address us. This is how nature itself addresses us

Now you must appeal to all of humanity and explain what harm we are doing to nature and how it suffers. This will be the new “Help Nature” competition. You need to make an appeal to humanity within 5 minutes. It should touch a person and motivate him to useful actions. At the end of the competition, the jury will evaluate your performance. The highest score is 20 points.

Time has passed. In the meantime, while the participants are busy, viewers are given the opportunity to learn a little interesting things.

Valerian officinalis

The healing properties of this plant of the valerian family were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. In the Middle Ages it was widely used as a sedative.

It was believed that the name "valerian" was given to the plant in honor of the Roman emperor Valerian, who ruled in the 1st century BC. e. Translated from Latin, the verb “valere” means “to be healthy.”

In Rus', valerian has also long been recommended as a medicinal plant. But its industrial use began under Peter I. He ordered the cultivation of medicinal plants, including valerian, in “pharmaceutical gardens” specially created for the needs of military hospitals. By order of Peter I, such plantings of medicinal plants were created in many large cities of Russia. In Moscow, for example, there were several “pharmaceutical gardens”: near the Kremlin, in the German settlement, as evidenced by the name Aptekarsky Lane, which has survived to this day (located near the Baumanskaya metro station).

The rhizome of valerian, which has a characteristic odor, is used for medicinal purposes.

It is obvious that some properties of this plant contributed to the emergence of popular names: cat grass, cat root, incense, earthen incense.

The specific valerian smell is provided by the presence of essential oils in the rhizome of this plant (about 20%). In addition, it contains alkaloids, organic acids, sugar, starch, tannins and other substances.

Decoctions and infusions of valerian are still used in folk medicine for gastrointestinal and heart diseases, neuroses and insomnia. And also as an excellent sedative.

Plants - touch-me-nots

In warm countries, a strange plant grows, the fruits of which resemble a beautiful green cucumber. This is a crazy cucumber. As soon as you touch him, in that very moment - it shoots sticky liquid at you. And the seeds are floating in it! No matter how you cleanse yourself of this mucus, two or three drops of it will still remain on your sleeve or dress. And then the mucus will dry, and the seed will fall to the ground, and next year a new angry cucumber will grow in this place.

And we, in central Russia, also have plants that perform similar tricks and thus spread throughout the earth. For example, impatiens. Try touching its pod and you will see how it shoots sticky seeds at you.

Trees on the roofs

The wind... It not only drives flocks of clouds and dust, it carries light seeds of grass and trees. You are lucky if the seed lands on the ground, where it can germinate and give life to a new plant.

But it also happens that the ever-present wind blows a grain onto the roof or onto the balcony. Then the seed also germinates. He has a bad time, but finds crumbs of soil in the crevices of the walls. This is how birch and aspens grow on the roofs and balconies of houses. Of course, they are much smaller than ordinary trees. Life barely glimmers in them, and they die early, unable to withstand the unequal battle with stone or concrete.

Sometimes seeds end up under asphalt. And often tender green sprouts break through it. People are terribly unhappy with this: “It’s not working, tree roots are destroying walls, spoiling smooth asphalt surfaces.” But it’s not the plants’ fault that the treacherous wind threw them in the wrong place.

Maybe an unfortunate tree will grow on your balcony. Try to transplant it into the ground carefully.

(The jury evaluates this competition.)

Now let's summarize our quiz.

(The jury announces the winners.)

The team that scores the most points is awarded a certificate and is given the title - "The best experts nature ». Second team - diploma "For the contribution V cognition nature."

Guys, today you are still schoolchildren, and a few years later - workers, directors and managers of enterprises, factories, factories, engineers, scientists .... And I ask you to always remember that nature is the human environment, and in order to avoid a universal catastrophe, you must treat nature carefully and wisely.

I picked a flower and it withered.

I caught a moth and it died in my palm.

And then I realized that touching beauty

You can only do it with your heart.

(P. Gvezdoslava). [ 3]

Information sources

    Alekseev V.I. 300 questions and answers about animals. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development. 1997.

    Riddles from A to Z. Ed. N.B. Petrova. St. Petersburg: Didactika Plus Publishing House, 1997.

    Understand the living language of nature. Environmental education.: Collection of thematic scenarios for extracurricular environmental activities in grades 5-9. – Voronezh: 2006. – 256 p.

    Internet resources:

In modern conditions, more and more importance is being given to the environmental education of students, and great importance is given to environmental issues. The proposed extracurricular activity was conducted in conjunction with Earth Day on April 22 with students in grades 5–7.

In preparation for the event, students, divided into groups, participated in the “Save Nature” poster competition.

During the event, each group demonstrates its poster, commenting on the selected material.

At the end of the presentation, the jury will award places in the poster competition.

Grades: 5-7.


  1. Develop environmental consciousness and ecological culture of children;
  2. Intensify cognitive activity, create conditions that encourage children to treat nature with attention and care.
  3. Introduce students to environmental pollution factors
  4. Promoting the formation of highly moral qualities and love for all living things.
  5. Deepen and systematize knowledge about environmental environmental factors and their effect on organisms.

EQUIPMENT: Computer, projector, presentation for the lesson, posters on environmental topics made by students

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Psychological mood of students.

Updating students' knowledge.

Teacher: Guys, in natural history and geography lessons we very often used the expressions “Nature is our home,” “Take care of natural resources,” “The planet is in danger.” What do they mean? (Students' answers are listened to).

Listening to the soundtrack of the song “How beautiful this world is.”

Teacher: Yes, indeed, the world that surrounds us is beautiful, nature is beautiful, different and diverse anywhere in our globe. Man has long admired the creations that Mother Nature created: amazing plants and animals. But, unfortunately, people do not always think about caring for nature.


It's time for humanity to understand
Taking away the riches from Nature,
That the Earth also needs to be protected:
She, like us, is the same - alive!

(the presentation takes place against the backdrop of works by Ennio Morrico)

The life of all people is inextricably linked with nature: from the environment people receive oxygen, food, raw materials for industry, medicines and much, much more.

Carbon dioxide and all waste from human life and economic activities enter the environment.

For a long time it was believed that man is the king and ruler of nature, called upon, regardless of anything, to conquer it and subordinate it to his needs. By gaining unprecedented power over nature, changing it, man threatens not only the health of the Earth, but also the very existence of all living things, including people.


2nd student:

Water always accompanies a person in everything. She feeds him, waters him, warms him and cools him; not a single production can do without water. And people have long settled near the sea shores or near rivers and lakes. The largest cities in our country arose on rivers: Moscow - on the Moscow River,

Petersburg - on the Neva,

Irkutsk - on the Angara,

Khabarovsk - on the Amur.

Water consumption is constantly growing. It is not surprising that the problem of water supply to the rapidly growing population of our planet has become one of the world's major problems. 18% of the world's population lacks safe drinking water.

Every year, 6 million people die from water and air pollution in the world. Road transport pollutes the environment the most. In some plants, the influence of exhaust gases is so clearly visible that they can be successfully used to detect dangerous concentrations of these gases for human health.



In the 1950s, an ore processing plant dumped waste containing mercury into the waters of Minamata Bay, Japan. Bacteria processed it into dimethylmercury. It entered the food chain and accumulated in fish. People ate fish, suffered severe poisoning, nerve diseases, and more than 50 people died. From 1955 to 1959, every third child here was born with mental and physical abnormalities.



Over the past 10 years, the world's forest area has decreased by 94 million hectares. About 70% of forest fires in our country are caused by the population.

Rice. 9

The main task of protecting rare and endangered species is to create favorable conditions to increase their numbers. If each of us does not pick lilies of the valley in the spring, perhaps this flower will soon cease to be an object of the Red Book of the Moscow Region.

Fig.10 Fig.11

The Red Book was first created in 1966 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. This is a list of rare and endangered plant and animal species. 681 plants, 20 mushrooms, 32 bryophytes and 29 lichens are included in the Red Book.


Almost 75% of the Earth's surface is covered with water, but only 2.5% is freshwater.

In developing countries, 90% of domestic and 70% of industrial wastewater is discharged into water without treatment.


The rapid development of industry has led to a sharp increase in the amount of all kinds of waste and to massive pollution of rivers, seas and oceans with substances that nature has never known: petroleum products, salts of heavy metals and many other chemicals.

Inland seas especially suffer from pollution: the Baltic, Azov, Black, Japanese, Northern. The number of fish in the Black Sea has decreased, but jellyfish are breeding in huge numbers.


The herd of Black Sea dolphins 40 years ago numbered two and a half million animals. Now it barely reaches 100 thousand.

About a quarter of the world's oceans' coral reefs have been destroyed. Another 30% will disappear in the next 10 years.

Every year, 300 sea turtles out of every thousand die from ingesting plastic debris floating in the sea.


In the White Sea, every 4 out of 100 seals die for the same reason. The Black and Aral Seas are very polluted. The Danube River is called the “sinkhole” of Europe. The oceans belong to everyone. But he is... no one's. Every year billions of tons of liquid and solid waste are dumped into it. As a result, marine animals, fish, and birds die.

Fig. 15.

The Red Book of the Russian Federation (1983) includes: mammals - 94 species, birds - 80, reptiles -11, fish -10, insects - 219 species.



Around the world, 2 million people a year die from diseases associated with drinking water contamination. Children suffer the most. You can increasingly hear about animals with discovered mutations.

Mutation is the appearance of irreversible changes in living organisms that occur under the influence of environmental environmental factors. Ecologists have found that the consequences of human economic activity are the most significant in environmental pollution and have combined them into groups in order of importance:

  • 1.toxic chemicals, pesticides, dioxides;
  • 2. heavy metals and their salts;
  • 3.losses of oil and petroleum products;
  • 4. wastewater and solid industrial waste;
  • 5.chemical fertilizers;
  • 6.radioactive and thermal waste;
  • noises (traffic, loud music, machines running).



Rice. 18

9th student:

The main condition for the development of mankind is not conquest, but cooperation with nature, a careful and caring attitude towards all life on Earth.

WE HAVE ONLY ONE EARTH... This is our ship in the vast expanses of the Universe. This wonderful ship has everything you need for an endlessly long journey on it. But if this ship breaks down, we will have nothing to transfer to. We should take care of what we have.

Rice. 19

